7 Deer-Resistant Flowering Trees

“Tired of deer munching on your trees.  But not sure what they ‘won’t’ eat?  Here are some tree that you can plant that deer don’t seem to care for.”
Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team
Deer love to browse the tender, succulent growth of most young trees and will sometimes strip the bark from them as well. As the trees mature, it’s not uncommon to see deer up on their hind legs yanking down tasty leaves. There are very few flowering trees that deer don’t enjoy, so we’re offering a list of seven of the best.Fall planting season is just around the corner, so we’ve decided to provide a comprehensive guide for deer-resistant species. Just as you’d expect with any good planting guide, we’ll break it down by specific plant categories — here with flowering trees. Whether you’re gardening in USDA zone 2, 10 or somewhere in between, there’s a tree here for you.