The ABC’s of Arranging Vignettes

“Vignettes are usually small displays, but can have a big impact on a room or entryway.  Here are several examples to give you some ideas of how to add just the right touch in your home.”
Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team
In the world of interior design, a vignette is a small, pleasing picture formed by grouping several objects — think of it as a pocket-size table arrangement that tells a story about you and your home. A vignette is a harmonious tableau made from a variety of items, rather than a large collection of similar articles (for example, clocks or toys), which would require a different display strategy.

Vignettes can easily be reinvented to suit your whims — a change of season, a new find, a gift and a special occasion are all good reasons to refashion your mini displays. There’s a knack to making these small scenes look effortlessly composed and eye catching. So take a look at how to build delightful vignette worlds with this easy lesson.

By Janet Dunn, HOUZZ and Lifestyle magazine contributor