Mastering Your Morning Routine

“Streamlining your routine and making it easier to get out the door is always a good thing.”
Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team
With the first weeks of school underway, and most adults settling back in to work (however grumpily) after vacations, mornings are bound to be more hectic. From searching for missing shoes, backpacks and important papers to remembering all of the minute details of shifting daily schedules, the tasks of the early hours of the day can put everyone out the door in a sour mood (not to mention late). A well-choreographed morning routine, on the other hand, can help start the day on a positive note, and can give you the opportunity to connect with your family or gain some extra personal time. Take a deep breath — tomorrow is another day, and with a bit of planning (and these 10 strategies), it can start off without a hitch.
By Laura Gaskill, originally published on HOUZZ