Energy Tips for Daylight Savings Time

“Now that we have ‘Sprung Forward’, it’s time to take advantage of this time of the year.  Use this annual event as a reminder of things to do before the weather gets warmer.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team


Energy Tips for Daylight Saving Time

As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, your energy bill gets bigger. Take advantage of these tips to reduce the energy consumed in your home as spring and summer approach.

Photo by: American Home Shield

Daylight Saving Time will be here before you know it. With it comes longer, hotter days that can drastically affect your energy bill. Here are some creative tips to help you save money for the spring and summer months ahead.

Take Advantage of the Extra Sun

Natural light is a great way to reduce your energy costs. Instead of hiding behind closed blinds, open them up and let the sunlight brighten your home. When your air conditioner is on, keep your blinds closed during the day to lower the temperature of your home.

Keep Your Cool

Find your threshold for cool air and set the temperature accordingly. As a basis, 78˚ when you’re at home and 85˚ when you’re not is a good way to lower costs. Also, to maximize the effectiveness of your unit, don’t forget to change your air filters and clear any vent blockages.

Fans Are Your Friends

One of the biggest contributors to your energy bill is your air conditioner. Turn it off completely and cool down your home with window, ceiling and whole-house fans for big savings.

Turn Down the Heat

Water heaters account for about 18% of your home energy costs. Lowering the temperature on your unit to around 120˚ will help reduce how much energy it consumes.

Seal Your House

Weather stripping, caulking windows and sealing air leaks will keep the cold air in and the hot air out. This trick will benefit your heating costs in the cold winter months as well.

Strategically Run Your Appliances

Running the dishwasher and dryer during the day increases the temperature of your home. Wait until the sun goes down to do the dishes and laundry so your air conditioner won’t have to work as hard to cool your home. Washing your clothes in cold water helps lower costs, as does unplugging electronics when they aren’t in use.

Fire Up the Grill

Need an excuse to spend more time manning the BBQ? Grilling outdoors, as opposed to using your oven, also reduces the heat of your home.

Pacific Power

Originally published by American Home Sheild