Tag Archives: Organizing

Energy Tips for Daylight Savings Time

“Now that we have ‘Sprung Forward’, it’s time to take advantage of this time of the year.  Use this annual event as a reminder of things to do before the weather gets warmer.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team


Energy Tips for Daylight Saving Time

As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, your energy bill gets bigger. Take advantage of these tips to reduce the energy consumed in your home as spring and summer approach.

Photo by: American Home Shield

Daylight Saving Time will be here before you know it. With it comes longer, hotter days that can drastically affect your energy bill. Here are some creative tips to help you save money for the spring and summer months ahead.

Take Advantage of the Extra Sun

Natural light is a great way to reduce your energy costs. Instead of hiding behind closed blinds, open them up and let the sunlight brighten your home. When your air conditioner is on, keep your blinds closed during the day to lower the temperature of your home.

Keep Your Cool

Find your threshold for cool air and set the temperature accordingly. As a basis, 78˚ when you’re at home and 85˚ when you’re not is a good way to lower costs. Also, to maximize the effectiveness of your unit, don’t forget to change your air filters and clear any vent blockages.

Fans Are Your Friends

One of the biggest contributors to your energy bill is your air conditioner. Turn it off completely and cool down your home with window, ceiling and whole-house fans for big savings.

Turn Down the Heat

Water heaters account for about 18% of your home energy costs. Lowering the temperature on your unit to around 120˚ will help reduce how much energy it consumes.

Seal Your House

Weather stripping, caulking windows and sealing air leaks will keep the cold air in and the hot air out. This trick will benefit your heating costs in the cold winter months as well.

Strategically Run Your Appliances

Running the dishwasher and dryer during the day increases the temperature of your home. Wait until the sun goes down to do the dishes and laundry so your air conditioner won’t have to work as hard to cool your home. Washing your clothes in cold water helps lower costs, as does unplugging electronics when they aren’t in use.

Fire Up the Grill

Need an excuse to spend more time manning the BBQ? Grilling outdoors, as opposed to using your oven, also reduces the heat of your home.

Pacific Power

Originally published by American Home Sheild

7 Hot Home Trends That Make Your Home Work for You

“Getting the most out of your home is important. Making a few small changes can make it ‘work’ better for you and will appeal to future buyers when you go to sell.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

Visit houselogic.com for more articles like this.


Before and After: 9 Small Bathroom Transformations That WOW

“Remodeling a Small Bathroom can be a challenge since you really don’t have much to work with.  These examples might just help you out.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team


Honey-Do: DIY Valentine’s Day Ideas for Him or Her

“It’s almost Valentine’s Day!  Start planning to give a special gift now!”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

Give your Valentine a gift that shows you truly care! Create a bonus room, finish that home repair, resurface hardwood floors or gift an appliance or she shed.

Plan bonus room

Ah, Valentine’s Day. A holiday that’s generally celebrated with overpriced roses and dinner in a crowded restaurant alongside a hundred other couples. While the token gifts of flowers and jewelry are nice, this year, give your valentine a gift that really shows your love: a completed honey-do list.

Has your significant other wanted a few things done around the house or been staring longingly at Pinterest boards full of beautiful reading nooks? Make dreams come true by completing a household project for a gift your significant other will never forget. Here are five DIY Valentine’s Day ideas that will have your valentine feeling the love…

How To Create A Bonus Room

Chances are your valentine has a hobby or interest that he or she would love more space for. Maybe she would appreciate a sewing room to quilt or design clothes in, or perhaps he would prefer a man cave to watch the game with friends. Whatever it is used for, a bonus room outshines any bouquet of flowers or teddy bear when it comes to gifts.

Creating a bonus room is pretty simple. First, find some unused space in your home, whether it’s a spare closet, an attic, the basement or an extra bedroom, to convert into the room of your valentine’s dreams.

Spend some time decluttering the space and evaluate if there are any repairs needed. Chores, such as patching drywall or adding flooring, can be done by you or outsourced. Does your valentine have a favorite color? If so, paint an accent wall in that color!

Fix That One Thing

Every home has that one thing; something that’s inefficient and annoying, but somehow no one ever gets around to fixing. Whether it’s a faulty light switch that doesn’t work or a TV that has been leaning against a wall, waiting for months to be mounted, fix that one thing and delight your sweetie.

Resurface Hardwood Floors

If your wood floors have had a lot of use over the years and are looking a bit dingy, consider resurfacing hardwood floors to bring back the shine. While there are many places that rent the tools to make this a DIY job, resurfacing wood floors is a task that’s best left to professionals, as mistakes can be costly. You could end up with dips and grooves in the wood or an uneven stain job that will leave your valentine feeling more sour than sweet.

Give A Home Appliance

While a new appliance may not seem like the most romantic of gifts, the time and energy saved by a more efficient appliance over an outdated one can feel like the gift that keeps on giving. If there’s an appliance your significant other continually complains about, consider replacing it as a surprise. Make sure you offer to do the chore yourself as part of the gift! Depending on the appliance, it may be covered by an AHS Home Warranty.

Gift a She Shed

She Sheds are all the rage these days. They’re the female equivalent of the man cave, except they’re housed in an outdoor shed. Done properly, She Sheds can provide a relaxing retreat that makes your backyard feel like an oasis. There are no set rules about what a She Shed must look like or contain. A quick internet search will show you everything you need to know to get started or check out these six ideas on who how to create the ultimate She Shed.

Design the shed around her favorite hobbies to create a gardening shed, a reading nook where she can curl up with a pile of books or an art studio where she can paint for hours. Don’t forget to put a big bow on the front door to make your valentine smile.

Originally published by American Home Shield

13 Kitchen Spots You Need to Clean Before the Stench Hits You

“How many times have you been in your kitchen and wondered ‘What is that Smell?‘  It might be coming from somewhere you forgot to clean.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

Visit houselogic.com for more articles like this.


Open House Tips that Will Result in a Successful Sale

‘If you’re having an Open House, there are a number of steps you should take as the home owner to make sure your house looks it’s best.  Buyers recognize when a Seller has gone the extra mile to make their home look good, and it shows as a sense of pride, and will also usually result in higher offers!”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

Visit houselogic.com for more articles like this.


Simple Pleasures: A Relaxed Weekend at Home

“When you’ve had a busy week, sometimes you just want to relax around the house.  Use some of these following tips to help create the best possible spaces around your home.”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

5 Money-Saving Gadgets That Make Life Easier

“Who doesn’t love gadgets, especially those that can save you money!”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team

5 Money-Saving Gadgets That Make Life Easier

Who doesn’t love products that can save us money and time? Here are five of our favorite money-saving gadgets:

Fruit freshness extender

1. Battery Charger

It seems like battery chargers were big when they first came out but, over time, it seems the energy died down and everyone stopped talking about them. Not us. We think they’re incredibly convenient, and they can potentially save you a lot of cash — especially if you find yourself constantly changing out the batteries in your kids’ favorite toys and devices. In fact, one user wrote about saving more than $75 each year with rechargeable batteries! Besides, who wants to make additional trips to the store for replacements when you can renew the batteries that you already have at home for free?

2. Self-Cleaning Electric Shaver

When it comes to money-saving health gadgets, you can’t go wrong with a self-cleaning electric shaver, especially if you’re a regular groomer. Although the initial investment may end up setting you back a couple hundred dollars, it should only take you about eight months to break even and start seeing the savings. Likewise, the thought of not having to buy disposable razors and shaving cream on a weekly basis anymore — and you still get a fresh shave — should make you a true believer.

3. Motion-Sensing Light Switch

Want to save money but consider yourself too lazy to even turn the lights off when you leave the room? No problem. Just install motion-sensing light switches. They’re some of the greatest energy-saving products because you literally don’t have to lift a finger to use them (after the initial installation, that is). They sense when you come in and go out of the room, turning the lights on and off for you, and typically reducing your energy consumption by 35–45 percent. Never worry about tripping over furniture in a dark room again!


4. Food Freshness Extender

We know how it feels. You’re so proud of yourself for going to the grocery store and picking out all those fresh fruits and vegetables. Then, you “accidentally” let them sit in the fridge a little longer than you intended and they’re suddenly wilted and rotten after only a few days. Cut down on the wasted food and money — up to $600 for a family of four! — by simply tossing a freshness extender ball in your crisper drawer. It works by absorbing the ethylene gases in your fridge, which tell the produce to continue ripening. And it lasts for up to three months, keeping your produce fresher longer.

5. Learning Thermostat

Perhaps one of the top energy-saving devices around, learning thermostats go beyond your typical temperature programming. They learn your habits after only a few days of adjusting the temperature yourself and then take the reins, adjusting the temperature accordingly for you. Don’t worry; you still have full control over the units. It’s just incredibly convenient not having to worry about adjusting the thermostat all the time — and saving between $131 and $145 a year, on average, while you’re at it. In fact, learning thermostats actually go beyond merely keeping your house comfortable. They can sense when no one is home (thus, refraining from heating or cooling the air for no reason) and determine how you can use your heating and air conditioning units more efficiently, as well.

Originally Published by American Home Sheild

10 Tile Layouts You Haven’t Thought Of

“Want to do something ‘different’ with tiles, but your really not sure what ‘different’ is?  Check out these great ideas!”

Denise Buck & Ed Johnson – DC Metro Realty Team